Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday’s Show and Tail… Field Pups

It’s time "Tuesday’s Show & Tail" time again! Angela, over at West Virginia Treasures, has been hosting this special time for several months, and it is always a lot of fun to see all the interesting posts of the people who join in! This is the 39th week that Angela has hosted this meme to share about past or present pets, animal friends we’ve known, or interesting stories about animals. If you’d like to join, here is the link to the Guidelines.

Today, I thought that I would tell you one of the stories from the Unity Thrift and Outreach files. My sister and a few other people work together, volunteering their time to help save lost, abandoned, neglected and abused dogs in and around the Taft, CA area.

Last year, they received a call that there was a pack of dogs that people had let loose in the hills on one side of the town. There were several big dogs running the in pack, including one that looked like a Mastiff, and another that looked, at least mostly, like a Shar-Pei.

One looked to be mostly Rottweiler and another looked a lot like a Bernese Mountain Dog. They were told that the Animal Control officers would be going out to shoot these dogs if they could find them, but that someone thought that there were puppies up in a den on the hill. My sister and her friends searched for them and finally found them, pulling several pups that were approximately 6-8 weeks old out of the hole.

They took them in and fostered them with some of their volunteers. My sister took care of one of them that she named Smoochie. They were taken to the vet for their puppy shots, and after several weeks of socialization and care, they were taken to some No-Kill Dog Rescues on the coast where they all found wonderful homes.

My sister has kept in touch with the people who took “Smoochie” and he is well loved and cared for.

The Animal Control officers weren’t able to find all of the wild parents and U.T. & O recently had to rescue another litter from out there.

A couple of these pups were taken to another Animal Rescue where they were able to get surgery done on one of the pups that had inverted eyelids (A common problem with Shar-pei’s from what we understand).

They were adopted out shortly afterward to good homes. These rescues do home inspections before they will adopt out, and then they do follow-up inspections as well.

I really respect the dedication of people who do this kind of work, going out day and night at times to help save some of God’s creatures that need help.  These pups all have happy stories because of them.


Angela said...

Wow! What a neat organization your sister belongs to! Those puppies are adorable! They are a 10 on the cuteness scale. Smoochie had the prettiest markings. I'm so glad that they were able to find them all homes!

Thanks for sharing them with us this week!

Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

betty said...

sad that people just dump their dogs and don't try to find homes for them or take them to shelters; breaks my heart. But what a wonderful organization you/your sister are part of Linda! All those pups were so cute and I'm glad that they were able to find homes for them and that Smoochie is doing great at his home!! you are right it does take dedication, love and compassion to go out and do this type of work time after time after time! thanks for your efforts with it too and for sharing about this organization with us!


Chatty Crone said...

We just rescued a dog - great organizations they are. sandie