“Do you want Peace in Your Life?” This is what the Lord seemed to be asking me, today, as I listened to a Daily Devotional I try to hear each morning when I get up. I put it on the computer and then listen while doing the “early morning, getting ready for my day,” type of stuff. HERE is the link to the one I listened to today.
It talked about the belligerence that seems to be getting more and more common… road rage, etc. and what God says I can do about it to have peace in MY heart as I walk through this life. He uses and IF – THEN statement. This is common terminology in the computer world… IF such and such happens, THEN this will happen.
The verses that “Our Daily Bread” gave are found in Philippians 4:4-9. (Scripture below) First, it says to Rejoice in the Lord, ALWAYS. I thought, that means for me to keep my eyes on Him so that I can see all that He has done, and IS doing in my life… the blessings I have. Each time I focus on those blessings, I can rejoice.
The next verse says to be gentle (that’s the only way others will see that gentleness IN me), and I CAN do that if I KNOW that He is “at hand,” and right there with me.
Then God tells me to not worry, but to be talking to Him constantly about everything… asking, and thanking Him because I know He is faithful to answer in the ways that are BEST for me. That CAN mean “wait for HIS perfect timing…” but trust that He knows what is best better than I know what is best for me. I am His child and like a little child that wants candy and THINKS that is BEST for him/her, the parent really knows what is best and that might be candy as a treat, but generally, it is more like vegetables or fruit. (Pout!)
IF I am constantly in communication with Him, AND trusting Him to be working everything out for my BEST, THEN the Peace of God, in times of crisis will flow over me, so that others that are watching won’t understand it. This Peace (from a consistent relationship) will guard my heart and mind because I know Christ Jesus is with me. After all, He loved me enough to pay for MY sins with HIS blood!
Lastly, in verse 8, God tells me that there are things I need to do to help my mind to stay healthy. Another computer thing is GIGO. Garbage In, Garbage Out! I NEED to make sure what goes into my mind is NOT garbage, but things that lead to gentleness and kindness.
I need to put things that are TRUE (what God says is TRUTH), things that are noble, and just and pure into my mind. Think about lovely, beautiful things and things that are good and happy, and virtuous… things I can Praise God for… THESE are the things I should be filling my mind with most of my day.
When I see sad and awful things, I need to take them in through my senses, but let them go OUT again through the flow of my mouth and mind and into GOD’S hands, through prayer, because HE can handle them. He may use me to handle some of them, but He doesn’t want ME to take on the weight of the world, just whatever tasks He gives me, and He promises that those things will be light and not terribly burdensome because He shares the load (taking most of it.)
Yep… He keeps finding ways of reminding me of these things all the time, as I walk this road with Him. I wish I weren’t so forgetful! :)
Philippians 4:4-9
New King James Version (NKJV)
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.Meditate on These Things
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.
1 comment:
Oh Linda - I have come to the same conclusion - I love this:
I need to put things that are TRUE (what God says is TRUTH), things that are noble, and just and pure into my mind. Think about lovely, beautiful things and things that are good and happy, and virtuous… things I can Praise God for… THESE are the things I should be filling my mind with most of my day.
There are so many things going on out there - I don't know how God does it do you?
I try to turn over my heart to him.
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